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Unknown Feelings : My Dad Never Seems To Be Satisfied

   The title explains itself clearly without doubt. Yeah, I guess every teenage has this 'phase' of over analyzing things to understands a certain matters. In this case, I've been over-analyzing my dad's behavior towards me and my brothers. One particular thing that stands out the most is that he always said to do more. More of this, more of that, more things that will benefit you in the future. He's not wrong in any means. It kinda his job to tell us what to do. But this trait sometimes gets to me a whole lot. There was one time when I did a bajillion of things and chores, and then I laid on my bed catching some breath. I wasn't aware that he's gonna come to my room. He looked at me with 'unbelievable' eyes and as I was expecting, he basically said 'stop being so useless and get your ass up'. At that point, I was so tired from things that I've done, and like any other hurt teenage do when they're furious, I cried. This is one simple

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